
If you have a genuine medical emergency please dial our dedicated emergency telephone line on 02838013119 and your call will be answered immediately.   

Out of Hours
If you need a doctor urgently after normal working hours please telephone 02838399201.  A receptionist will take your details and the doctor will then phone you back to arrange an appointment.

Home Visits
This is available to patients who are too ill to travel to the surgery.  Please phone the surgery before 11am and give us as much information as possible to the receptionist regarding your problem

General Medical Information Websites

Internet LinksNHS Direct - Includes patient information on common conditions.

British Medical Journal - For the latest medical news and original papers.

Patient UK   - Website designed for UK patients. Offers links to UK sites.

NetDoctor - Website for reliable information for UK patients.

Mens Health Forum - Source of information and research on all aspects of men's health.

Male Health - Health information for men.

Family Planning Association - Supports the public and professionals with sexual health information and resources.

Students Health - Student health advice website

Women's health - Health information for women.

Kids Health - Health information for children

Simon Says - Childhood Bereavement

No Limits - Young peoples counselling and advice service

Self Help groups - Comprehensive list of UK based self help groups.

Virtual X-ray and Oncology Department visit - The worlds first virtual radiology and oncology departments aiming to demystify the procedures and equipment that patients would encounter during a visit to an oncology or radiology department.

BBC Health - BBC focus on health issues 

Department of Health - Links to current advice on Bird Flu

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